Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Apologies

I would be posting more often except I am suffering from mid-life crisis and have become overwhelmed by indecision.

The good news is I have it narrowed down to: (1) becoming a civil war reenactor or (2) starting up an aquarium for fancy goldfish.

Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp or what's a heaven for?



Anonymous said...

I hate to say it, but I've done both those things and failed.

The last fish died 6 weeks ago.

Bissage said...

I was pretty serious about tropical fish when I was in high school.

For years now, Mrs. Bissage has been after me to add goldfish to our menagerie but I'm worried about the cats and I can't afford a housekeeper.

That's the trouble with the world today, folks just won't live and let live.

Triangle Man said...

Glad to see the blog decided to come out of retirement!

Bissage said...

Sorry for the irregularity, Triangle Man. I've been working more fiber into my diet and I've had to make some adjustments.

Besides, my creative muse is a lot like genital herpes. Sometimes it goes into remission.

sonicfrog said...

The good news is I have it narrowed down to: (1) becoming a civil war reenactor or (2) starting up an aquarium for fancy goldfish.

Of course, if you were REALLY having a MLC, you would combine the two - put civil war miniature cannons and props into the tank, and dress up the little fish as Sherman and Grant and Lee and Lincoln.

Bissage said...


(Wish I'd thought of that.)

Bissage said...

Oh noes, little fishes, watch out for the bubbling cannons!