Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Time Flies Like an Arrow

And fruit flies like a banana. Good grief. Here it is Tuesday and my last post was last Friday. Whodathunkit?

I've still got nothing to say -- and I've already used a Beatles song to say that -- so let's go in another direction.Wait. Maybe I have something to say, after all.

Over at Althouse, there are sometimes blog posts that generate comments along the lines of "women are like this" or "men are like that."

Such generalizations need to be taken with a grain of salt.

Better they should be set to music.


Bissage said...

Listen when I say to you.
And no joke about it.
Easy come easy go . . .

Triangle Man said...

Is a woman more like a grain of salt than a man?

Bissage said...

A pillar of salt? Maybe.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Video by Ken Burns.

Meade said...

Not so fast there, counselor...
Soon it will be
time for tea and meet the wife!

Bissage said...

Well observed, Jason! They say that “Logan’s Run” got wiped – artistically and financially – because it was released at the same time as “Star Wars;” with all its computer aided zooming and swooshing special camera effects. How this explains Mr. Burns’ vaunted status in the present day, I have no idea.

Congratulations, Meade, you have freaked my mind.